Off the beaten track
Venice - One week in a magical place
all data refer to year 2000

Traveller's Memories: index

  This page is dedicated
    to my wife Maria Edvige.
Venice, a magical town suspended between the Earth and the Sky.
A photographic tour amidst bridges, channels, narrow lanes and isles.
(Text and photos from: Italian Memories, on-board diary)

                    Venice, a magical city.
Gondola and gondolier Turist by chance
Burano Isle. Painted houses Venice, a canal and rowing boat
Venice lagoon at the sunset The Canal Grande
San Giorgio isle Burano Isle from the boat
Canal Grande at the dawn Bridge amidst the morning fog
The Rialto bridge The Old Market
Dawn in Venice, bridges and fog San Marco square, the Basilica
Bridge of Sighs San Marco lion and gondolas
Rialto bridge by night Burano Isle, lost traditions
A mask behind a corner Masks between the narrow lanes

Traveller's Memories: index
© Paolo Botton